Vian Dakhil

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Iraqi parliamentarian Vian Dakhil was awarded the eighth annual Lantos Human Rights Prize. Dakhil courageously opposed ISIS’ genocide of Yazidis and personally led dangerous rescue missions to help stranded Yazidis. Thousands of lives were saved as a result of her actions.

In 2014, Dakhil brought the plight of the Yazidis to the attention of the international community when she pleaded for their help. Despite the danger she faced as ISIS’ “most wanted” woman, she continued to advocate for the protection of Yazidis and worked with great determination to free women and children enslaved by ISIS. 

The Prize ceremony was held in Washington, DC, on February 8, 2017. The program included speakers such as Ambassador David Saperstein and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leading up to Dakhil’s remarks. The program also included a short tribute video to remember Lantos Prize recipients Elie Wiesel and Shimon Peres, both of whom passed away in 2016.