Khodorkovsky Foundation
“Our goal is to provide a different path to a purposeful life. We give people with no coding background the opportunity to learn and develop to become IT professionals. CYDEO has successfully trained over 8,000 students in 35 different countries across the globe. We want people around the world to remember that they have endless potential. All they need to do is take action.”
Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community USA
Kareem Ahmed, Mujeeb Ijaz,
& Amjad Mahmood Khan
Love for all, hatred for none
Dedicated to protecting children, human
rights, and democracy around the world
Andrew Duncan & Bess Weatherman
The Wolf family
Len Blavatnik
Friedman Family
Charitable Fund
"in honor of my dear friend tom lantos, whose principled voice in defense of human rights and justice is so badly needed at this turbulent time.”
Cynthia Juárez Lange
& Dennis Lange
The Gottstein Family foundation
“To honor Tom and Barney's deep and rich friendship”
Barbara Levy, President
Suzanne Scholte, President
“We want to teach the next generation the importance of giving back.”
Margery & Steven Kraus