Advocating for Government Leaders to Prioritize Human Rights
Tom Lantos spent nearly three decades as a human rights leader in Congress. Today, congressional advocacy represents a vital and fundamental part of our work. We collaborate directly with the offices of key members of the House and Senate on major human rights initiatives, including specific pieces of legislation and the Defending Freedoms Project – established during Foundation President Katrina Lantos Swett’s time as Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). We work closely with Member offices to ensure they are up to date on emerging human rights issues, while also serving as a resource to those wanting to dig deeper into a particular issue. We participate in joint advocacy with groups such as the China Coalition, the IRF Roundtable, the Global Magnitsky Coalition and many other NGOs with missions that complement our own. This advocacy includes coordinating messaging, organizing events, and engaging in other activities aimed at encouraging the U.S. government to further prioritize human rights. The Lantos Foundation has also been directly involved in numerous hearings on Capitol Hill and provided testimony focused on pressing human rights issues.