Lantos Foundation Statement in response to reports of violent threats against Pastor Bob Fu

The Lantos Foundation has been proud to work with Pastor Bob Fu on a wide range of human rights causes from internet freedom to religious freedom. Pastor Fu has always been fearless in defending the fundamental rights of all people, which is why he has become a leading global voice for persecuted faith communities around the world. In 2019, Bob was honored with the prestigious NED (National Endowment for Democracy) Democracy Award for his work on behalf of religious freedom and rule of law in China. The organization he founded, ChinaAid, has been a literal lifesaver providing rescue and resettlement to individuals fleeing persecution, as well as vital training and resources for human rights defenders.

The Lantos Foundation is deeply concerned by reports that violent threats have been made via the internet against Bob Fu and his family. This is intolerable. We call upon all appropriate agencies of our state and federal governments to take immediate steps to ensure the safety of Bob Fu and his family. When human rights defenders are threatened and harassed, we have a duty to step up to their defense.