New Episode of The Keeper - Episode 26 : Sports & Rights Season – Sportswashing

In this episode of our Sports & Rights season, we take an in-depth look at a topic we touched on in the first episode – sportswashing. We speak to journalists, human rights advocates, and academics to help unpack what this term means and why it matters. We also delve into some of the most successful examples of sportswashing, ranging from ancient Egypt right up to the present day. We examine the impact of sportswashing and raise some important questions about who bears responsibility for standing up to the authoritarian regimes that seek to use sports as a form of soft power.  

Read more: 

Human Rights Foundation: Celebrities & Dictators 

A History of Sports and Dictators (by Karim Zidan, via Human Rights Foundation) 

It is time to change how we talk about Saudi sports (by Karim Zidan, via Sports Politika) 

Sport & Rights Alliance 


Producers: Chelsea Hedquist, Brittany Smith 

Audio editor: Brittany Smith 

Music: Riorr by Audiorezout